amd.sigma is awarded a funding certificate by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport The Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, Dr. Volker Wissing, presented certificates for seven […]
BRAZILIAN PRIVATISATION PROJECT AND MASTERPLAN In 2013, a consortium involving amd.sigma, Munich and Zurich Airports and the Brazilian firm CCR won the bid to privatise Belo Horizonte Airport ahead of […]
CONCEPT FOR THE A CRUISE TERMINAL IN HAMBURG Hamburg’s state-of-the-art cruise ship terminal CC3 can serve 8,000 passengers at the same time. The building was constructed within a very short […]
MASTER PLANNING WITH LOW-TECH APPROACH IN AFRICA In contrast, we have pursued a consistent low-tech approach in Ghana. As part of a planning consortium together with ILF Consulting Engineers and […]
BRUNSWICK, WERNEUCHEN, FRIEDERSDORF, OBERPFAFFENHOFEN Airports and airfields are our daily bread. With these projects we find ourselves in somewhat unchartered waters as we have been entrusted with developing solutions for […]
CENTRAL AUTHORITIES CENTRE AND TERMINAL MASTER DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT In January 2016 we won an EU wide tender and received a new commission from FHG, who is now one of our […]
PRIVATISATION-ASSESMENT FOR ASTALDI, GHELLA UND FRAPORT Cuba is on the move, there is no doubt about that. And this was already visible early this year before the death of Fidel […]
ENVISAGING TOMORROW’S AIRPORTS Autonomous parking, robot baggage transport, green airports. It might sound like science fiction, but in fact it’s what our masterplanning is looking at right now. Digitalisation and […]
AMD.SIGMA EXPANDS AIRPORT REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO The real estate sector will become an increasingly important factor for airports’ overall profitability in future. So we’re pleased to have an expert in […]
PROJECTS IN COOPERATION WITH MUNICH AIRPORT INTERNATIONAL Our longstanding client München Airport has restructured its international activities by founding a subsidiary. As of mid-2017, worldwide consulting tasks are carried out […]
CONCEPT PLANNING FOR THE PRIVATISATION OF FORTALEZA AND PORTO ALEGRE AIRPORTS, BRAZIL Commissioned by Fraport Brazil, we produced a concept planning for the Brazilian airports Fortaleza and Porto Alegre. Thanks […]
BERLIN BRANDENBURG AIRPORT, GERMANY Too small from the start? We show that Berlin Brandenburg Airport will certainly be up to the demands on it. With the Masterplan 2040, we presented […]
It’s time to wave a final goodbye to the air travel industry’s traditional engineering-driven, linear approach to airport masterplanning. In a time of profound change and disruptions with many future […]
This article reflects the question of how the need for long-term efficiency improvement at airports can be met through an adapted masterplanning process. It particularly focuses on the early phase […]
Hamburg Airport has one thing in common with many airports located close to major European cities: a scarcity of room for expansion. As passenger numbers increase, these airports quickly reach […]
Full of Mediterranean flair and cultural heritage, the popularity of the small island nation of Malta as a holiday destination is always growing. This trend is also seen in the […]
We are very pleased to welcome our much-valued colleague Birger Strüfing back to amd.sigma. Birger returns to us after spending a year working as a consultant at Munich Airport, bringing […]
There is much speculation about the airport’s actual opening date – but amd.sigma is already at work helping BER prepare for it. In June 2018, building authorities gave the green […]
How do you optimize an existing airport terminal so that you not only strategically direct the flow of the increasing number of passengers that must be accommodated, but, at the […]
The expansion project in Nice marks the first time that amd.sigma is providing consulting services for an airport project in neighboring France. Aéroport Nice Cote d’Azur is France’s third-largest airport, […]
BIM is set to transform the planning landscape. With more and more countries committing to the software, BIM will mean new laws and disruptive shifts in the work of planners. […]
MASTERPLAN UPDATE AT ZAGREB AIRPORT What will be the impact of Croatia’s upcoming Schengen membership on the terminal infrastructure in Zagreb? amd.sigma will address this key topic within the scope […]
The intelligent management of passenger flows is a key consideration for every modern airport. It not only contributes to efficiency and profitability but also to a positive passenger experience. Adam […]
In summer 2019, amd.sigma completed a new passenger terminal concept for Cologne airport with a planning horizon extending to 2030. The overall objective was to prepare the terminals T1 and […]
What would be the smartest way to manage growing cargo requirements? amd.sigma tackled this question for Linz International Airport in Austria. In 2018, amd.sigma joined forces with Austrian partner ATP […]
With more than 46 million passengers each year, Munich airport numbers among the most highly frequented European aviation hubs – and the most popular. Munich is the only airport in […]
DR. LUTZ WEISSER, FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR OF AMD.SIGMA Early examples of airport privatisation date back to the 1980s. Are we currently seeing a new trend toward privatisation? There is […]
Masterplan 2040 was drafted for Berlin’s future airport (BER) in 2017. Ever since then, amd.sigma has provided on-going support for Germany’s largest airport project. Working off of the urban expansion […]
The airport industry is dynamic – and so are we. That’s why we kicked off the new year with a location change inside the German capital. The entire amd.sigma team […]
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IS AN IMPERATIVE – AND A CHANCE Despite ongoing climate debates, experts at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) predict a twofold increase in global airport traffic in […]
Berlin Brandenburg Airport, Germany We made it! In just under 38 months (approx. 3.5 years) from start to finish! For an airport terminal: record-breaking. If we go further and consider […]
Many airport operators are left wondering if fundamental changes to their business model will be necessary, and if so, when and what type of changes. As planners and consultants, these […]
Where should check-in counters be located? How can passenger flows in the terminal be better managed? And what process or infrastructure adjustments will prevent passengers from queueing excessively at security…